- 8:00 am – We arrive in Ithaca, NY. David has had little to no sleep at this point, while Thacher & Roman feel slightly rested with four or five hours. Cecilio, on the other hand, seems to sleep the most of anyone, and somehow remains more tired than the rest.
- 9:00 am – Breakfast, followed by…
- 10:15 am – Performances at Beverly J. Martin Elementary School. We have a great time. Here’s what the kids and teachers wrote about us…
- 5:00 pm – Pick up Doc Green at the airport and make our way to the Rongovian Embassy, a bar in Trumansburg, NY.
- 9:30 pm – One Drum Quintet performs at Rongo. Highlights include an incredible medley: O Say Shalom -> Gahu -> Ala Wallee -> 365. Rich, a local lawyer, sat in for a few songs with his trumpet. It was cool! The downside of our show is the amplifier that started smoking and smelling of burned circuit board.
- 12:00 am – finish up our show with a rocking version of the Beatles’ Hello Goodbye sung in the capoeira style and crash in the 3rd floor apartment of Rongo, which reminds Roman of a warm, cozy pigeon roost complete with shower, and five mattresses. The attic is an immeasurable storehouse of abandoned musical junk, and we find a hammer, a broken banjo, some drum cases and other items of questionable function.
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School
One Drum Song
Boooooom, boooooom.
Ssss, Ssss, Ssss
Trumpet-black, skinny, long
goes too-ooot.
A turkey baster with water goes
woooop, woooop,
Up with your breath.
Dancing, jumping, swinging arms,
Knees up and down, up and down,
arms WAY in the air.
I danced with Kiki.
Miles did splits with Camille.
Latika danced with Mrs. Maynard.
Clothes with patterns like snakes-
green orange, purple, yellow.
Long shirts like short dresses.
Shirts from their countries, their cultures.
Smelling pretend fire, a banana cooking,
white ants, termites frying
in a big log.
Tasting coconuts, the salty water,
fried chicken with hot sauce
and mashed potatoes.
People bumping next to me, dancing, hot and sweaty,
feels good, like exercise.
Gives energy, makes you smile.
Let us work and play and work and play
together.by Mrs. Maynard’s 2nd Grade
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School
Ithaca, NY – January 9, 2003To One Drum,
Your spirits will remain in the hearts, halls and walls of BJM long after you have continued your journey – spreading the heart and drum beat of unity among people.Umoja and Imani,
Jackie Melton Scott
BJM Family Liaison
Rongovian Embassy